
* All lessons are offered either in person at the Sans Souci studio or online if not in the area

For the budding songwriters out there, I can assist you with creating and finishing your songs. From where to find what to write about, how to retain focus on the song subject, creating a 'hook' right through to recording your songs and getting them out to the digital world such as iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, and even on radio. You could even land a publishing deal! Check the 'Group Classes' heading for my songwriting workshops or book a private tutorial with me today!

NSW PARENTS NOTE: I am an accredited Creative Kids Provider, so you can use your Govt $100 voucher with me! Ask me how to redeem it.

There will also be an opportunity to perform up to twice annually at student concerts if desired.

There are 3 lesson options to suit your time and budget, whether conducted online or in person
$90 - full hour
$70 - 45 mins
$50 - 30 mins
Contact me now to book a time